Tuesday, July 31, 2012


 The Belizean Embassy in Los Angeles recently hosted a series of art shows show-casing Belizean Talent. I was very honored to participate, especially since I was the youngest artist in the series. The opening ceremony was about as awkward as a Junior high dance. The crowd seemed kinda "cliquish" and I was asked to make impromptu presentations about my art. However, I recently had my opening reception for my solo exhibit, and the atmosphere was much lighter. I was overwhelmed by the out poring of support and generosity. I couldn't believe how many people took time out of their Saturday to support me.  My mom was present, she made a point to introduce herself to everyone and peculated the crowd. The ladies of the consulate prepared some mean Mayan-seasoned enchiladas. I brought my home-made chocolate cake and Sangria. All of which disappeared in record time. My paintings also sold in record time. My Belizean community relished at the opportunity to support the cancer center by purchasing my work. After presenting my pieces, all had been purchased within twenty minutes. I have my wonderful boyfriend to thank for coordinating the sales. Since I've cut the negative people out of my life, I've now realized how many wonderful and supportive people I'm surrounded by. I am very grateful for everyone in my life and I just hope that I am aware of the vast blessings and opportunities that are present in my day to day experience.