Monday, April 23, 2012


My experience in the pageantry world was very short-lived. I took five hours out of my Saturday to drive to LA for my audition. I was sized up and offered to participate. I thought "cool, this is going smoother than I thought." Plus, my measurements were better than I anticipated. I thought they would be 34-27-37 but instead I was 34-26-38. I was only asked to lose one inch in my waist and two in my hips, this is a very doable. However, things took a surprising turn when I called my pageant coordinator for follow up. She offered me the oppertunity to partcipate in the Queen of the Jewel Pageant in Belize. The kicker was that I would be representing San Pedro. I had to decline for three reasons:
#1. As much as I love San Pedro, I am not a San Pedrana.
#2. It would be inconvient, since I'd have to be in Belize for 2 full weeks.
#3. There are other girls that deserve this opportunity and want it much more than I do.
In regards to the Pan American pageant, it was suddenly between Destinee Arnold and myself. Arnold had earlier declined the offer to participate in the PanAmerican Pageant because the pageant coordinator was unable to provide her with a new gown and costume. Upon hearing that I would be the deligate, Ms arnold had a renewed interest in participating in the PanAmerican Pageant. It would just come down to who would be able to come up with the $1500 sponsor first. I said that the Destinee Arnold should do it. After Ms. Arnold was given full reign to represent Belize at the PanAmerican Pageant, she opted to participate in the Queen of the Jewel Pageant instead. The pageant coordinator pleaded with me to participate in the PanAmerican pageant because this debacle would leave Belize without a representative and create ill will among the pageant organizers. After sacrificing my saturday and several desserts I was over the whole ordeal. At the very least, what I've obtained from this minor experience is: I'm kicking butt on my running and I got my little blog material, just as predicted.

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