Monday, April 16, 2012

Fame Game

I think I've figured out whats wrong with Orange County. In Los Angeles people are trying to be famous, in Orange County people think they are famous. Last night I went to my friends birthday day party at a club in Orange County. For starters, I do not enjoy going to night clubs. I will only go to a club if its someone's birthday or a friend is visiting from out of town. This occasion fit one of my criteria so I enlisted a male friend to dd and we headed up to Orange County. We arrived at the club half an hour late, but no one in the party had arrived yet, with the exception of my cousin Tessa. My girlfriend Sheila and I went to the bathroom to touch up our make up and kill a little time. When Sheila and I returned to the vip table it was over crowded with girls. I hugged the birthday girl and took the last remaining open spot at the table, the head of the table closest to the dance floor. The view was obstructed with balloons so I gently relocated the balloons so I could stand next to Sheila and watch the dj. A girl with platinum blond hair, black roots, scuffed up Louboutins and a bargain boob job leaned into me and said "excuuuse me" I leaned back so she could make her way around me and she promptly planted herself in my prime location, between Sheila and I. Sheila and I exchanged confused looks, then headed for a less crowded spot where we could continue our conversation. Rather than taking a spot in the impact zone like a gentlemen, my dd parked himself next to the booze. So sheila and I stood behind him. It seemed like every 30 seconds a bus boy or cocktail waitress would come rushing through, either rubbing against us or bumping into us. Under normal circumstances this wouldn't have been that much of an inconvenience but in 7 inch heels every bump feels like a death threat. Miraculously, my cousin Tessa had managed to find Sheila and I great seats at the table. The girl that was sitting next to me seemed kinda friendly but a little insane. I just assumed that she was on drugs. She kept trying to push a cupcake onto the guys at the next table for about half an hour. I  think she explained the dilemma of the cupcake about 15 times. I noticed that the pushy social climber from earlier had been banished to the next table. My dd decided it was time to go so I hugged my cousin and the birthday girl good bye. Since I was in the motion of goodbye hugs I decided to hug my new druggy friend, afterall, we had shared such an intimate conversation about cupcakes over the past half hour. When I went in for a hug she leaned back and gave me the most disgusted look, she even through in a finger wave. So I waved bye to her, they she invited me in for a hug, where I expressed a confused look coupled with an eye brow lift and sheepish wave good bye. Turns out she was a "Myspace" celebrity back in the day. Funny, I had no idea that internet celebrities could become washed up.

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